

Monday, February 10, 2014

PLAGUE OF HAPPINESS webisodes... again. :P

Another 2 webisodes uploaded at NyaringTV youtube...
Hopefully I can completed it before 16.feb... webisode no.6 will be release tomorrow early in the morning.

Both no.4 & no.5... after YOGYAKARTA performance, we heading to SEMARANG. Arrived early in the morning, the organizer was kind enough to give us a place to stay, took shower, breakfast + lunch and rest from back-breaking days of bus ride. Thanks SUCI.

We attend radio interview JAMAICAN ROOTS from PRAMBORS, and a good amount of soundcheck.

The performance night was awesome! friends from IBARATSKATA riding their motorcycles from KUDUS to join in the fun. It surely a memorable day.

After the gig/show, hang out a little while with friends from SEMARANG. As usual coffee and junk food...

Then the tour bus headed back to YOGYAKARTA for ATOI & AJENearly flight back to MALAYSIA. Sad to see them leave, but ATOI have work commitment... can't join the tour until the end.
Since, SOLO and YOGYAKARYA is just an hour journey. We spend a good amount of time hanging out at MALIOBORO. Shopping, tricycles and authentic YOGYAKARTA foods.
We all laugh about ONTOT buying BATIK jacket, but in the end it turnout to be an awesome peace of clothing... hahaha thumbs up for ONTOT for the purchase.
Then the team headed to SOLO, when we arrived a friend A'AN MOBSTER greated us at the venue. Have a short soundcheck and took a reat at A'AN house. A'AN was so cool, he gave his DIY cigarette making machine to ONTOT as a welcome gift. Most of us take nap, and by the time we woke up... there's DINNER waiting for us. Thanks a million... such an awesome gusture and host.
The performance night was intense. The venue was jammed packed with kids... it's good to know that they do a collaboration between two community (Projek Khianat & NS Community) to make this event a reality. Again thumbs up for the organizers for an awesome night. We will NOT forget the hospitality and the friendship... hope this relationship will never end.
Before long hours journey towards MALANG, while our drive take a good nap... we hangout with A'AN, RAT SKA CITY members and bunch of SOLO friends for coffee and junk food. No no... this time with SATAY (beef on a stick) to add up on our midnight supper.

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