

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Hey hey hey...
I need to postpone a little more time for vlog travel journal as on my recent venture/journey. Why? to concentrate on PLAGUE OF HAPPINESS webisodes. :) I've been posting these webside since last april 2013... only 2 webisodes. Since, the band will be releasing a new single... yeah.. A NEW SINGLE and a new VIDEO CLIP... on February 16 on Quickie 8TV.
I really need to take the innitaitive to heating up the hype. So, completing this webisode is one of them. So here there are... webisode 02.
and... I've successefully complete and upload part 3 last night.
and... I need to complete everything before February 16. So If you;re waiting for the travel vlog, please bare with me. Feast your curiosity on these webisode first yeah.. More to come.
Till then... be good to dogs. :)

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